RE: RE: "Astute Managment" makes moneyDoubt very much that they are "less qualified". Those companies are and have made loads of profits. Those companies have EFFECTIVE management so in the end who cares. EFL has not made profits therefore it is logical to conclude that management is not so qualified now is it?
Get reall Tannin. That ain't talcum powder you are sniffing! So EFL has fantastic management staffed with CEO kids and YET it has not succeeded in more than a decade without the odd handout? How the heck can you come to that conclusion.
Since you know so much about the "kids" at EFL are you one of them? When you compare EFL to Rogers, Shaw and Loblaws you are insulting those really well run companies. EFL is nowhere near that league.
That's like comparing the CN tower (Loblaws, Shaw and Rogers) to a plastic shed (EFL)