RE: First Uranium still looking at bank finance, 'Cash flow for the year does look a bit tight! $60 M in hand, say $20 Mfrom Simmers, and $50 M from Wheaton leaves them about $60 millionshort for the year. If we assume the expenditure is evenly spreadthroughout the year at $16 million per month, they will run out offunds by the end of May, and 3 months ealier if the Wheaton dealdoesn't go through. The nature of the Wheaton deal (if approved) is notspelt out in the article, but a quick calculation suggests that GoldWheaton will need about 100 000 ounces of gold before they profit fromthe deal, which means that First Uranium will not even benefit from thecurrent record gold price initially.Operations at Mine Waste Solutions in Stilfontein (MWS ) have beensuspended while the environmental impacts are being re-evaluated. Iwonder how this will affect the planned revenue stream, and how it willaffect the perception of First Uranium's creditworthiness when they tryto establish a credit facility at a local bank??