RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: 700,000 shares on the bid withWaiting is the game yes, but one strategy which the minority shareholders have not taken as yet follows:
Get in touch with the bigger block and ask whether they are willing to sell, and if so, for how much. Then establish which other smaller shareholders will sell for a determined price. If you have a big enough block, you contact Severstal and say, here is a block for X, but as of this date Y the price goes up by Z cents per week. It is all about playing the game or waiting. If you want to play, then the needed block needs to be established, or there is doubt.
If all the players, in reality, themselves are not able to form a consensus, well then of course they create the very uncertainty some complain about. The price will not be as high as some want or think they should get, and maybe higher than others think they can realize. If I was Severstal and presented with a serious offer, which represented a big enough block, theyI would take it after the customary posturing and ego BS, IMO. Or they can keep playing, and wait for the Class Action Law suit to be filed by someone. I think I know who that is. LOL I said long ago, I think actually they are not nearly as smart long term as some think. They are more like blockhead bully type. And need a good kick in the nuts, as it seems that is their code. While the Canadian authorities, they are the do nothing, uh, its not our job, we are here to sit and pass the buck.
The end of day stuff. Do you think the Canadian authorities can see that? No, of course not, it is all just pure coincidence. They are USELESS, as I have said many times.IMO
If you have the block, you have the power. Why the insitutions holding now do not see that (maybe they already do and have formed same, and do not need to deal with other shareholders) is a puzzle to me, given the circumstances. It would not only stop Severstal, it means power in terms of going to the TSE and OSC.IMO Why? Because if such a group presented their own "independent evaluation" then there would be serious questions raised as follow up BS is presented by Severstal puppet BOD. In particular when it comes down to dilution of this block, and follow up potential court action.