RE: Thompson Creek seeks Moly assets...I wonder if they'll put up more of a fight to develop Mt. Emmons than the Davidson project? I will watch with interest because the Davidson people have a friendly disposition toward mining but TCM has showed no respect for their community, and as a result havn't gotten anywhere.
Wait until they try and take on a highly educated community whose avg. house value is over 600k$ and try to put a mine within 2 miles of their homes. You think public resistance at Davidson is a problem?
No wonder TCM wants a no headache mine that will produce soon. They've given themselves enough headaches by picking badly located prospects and by being unwiling to compromise for the benefit of the communities. Who is leading them into these messes anyways?
Comparison of Existing and Proposed Thompson Creek mines
The Lone Pine is far enough outside Houston to cause no problems to any surrounding communities. If you look at google map you'll notice there are only a handful of houses within a 3-4 km radius. Not to mention the LP area already has power lines, pipelines, clear cut areas, hydrostations etc where any mine would be located. Obviously the location is not highly regarded pristine environment that the locals care much about. Not that there are many locals within 8 miles, anyways.