The Vote Talked to an attorney about this sham. He looked at the ballot and said this. " The second paragraph of the ballot is called ballot manipulation . Part 1 is normal in that it asks if you understand the purpose of the vote. Part 2 asks you to affirm your eligibility to vote on this matter, usually under penalty of perjury. Part 3 puts you in a "catch 22 situauion" because if you answer "YES" to parts 1 and 2 , you are forced to vote "YES" by proxy, and this is " illegal as hell", his words. This is called "Ballot Manipulation" and "Election Rigging" and is illegal in any voting situation. The ballot is fundamentaly flawed and is reason to invalidate the entire election results. Thankfully many of you are doing what he said we should all do by contacting the TSX. He says YNG is already on the TSX radar and we should all complain calmly and objectively to the TSX and ask that this election be declared invalid because of the flawed ballot. He further suggests that , since this is obviously a deliberate attempt to "RIG" the election, with the stockholder meeting conveniently called for December, we should ask the TSX to question the YNG management and BOD," UNDER OATH", before a Grand Jury, why they voted to approve this ballot , and then give them a fair trial. Trying to rig an election like this is criminal and should be dealt with accordingly. This attorney worked many years in a military JAG office and is one smart Legal Beagle. He is semi-retired , but still gets calls from the Camp Pendleton JAG asking his advice. I am about to call the the TSX contact man when I finish this, and I hope many of you will do the same. The attorney says the more calls they get, the stronger our case. We must stick together on this. ICE