Scoping study?Hi.
I'm new to SKE (got in just in time for the party @ 0.075)
Could someone explain in lay terms what a scoping study is? is it comparable to assays or it comes before/after?
And what are usually the impacts of a "good" or "bad" result? minor or major development?
I went through the last few posts to catch up, and see many "targets" for the SP. 0.50, 0.60, I've heard 0.25 also. Since this is a multi metal play, how do you evaluate its potential? one-by-one then add, or is there a multiplying factor (same haulage for more products?)
I understand Copper, Molbdenum and Gold, but never studied PGE and Zinc, less all these together!
Thank you for any light you could shed upon my humble lack of knowledge :-)