Spanish Cladding order ink or no ink this week?This news flash could be a clue of a Spanish Cladding order worth a few buck$. I think that would be a nice finish to 2009 and a great start to 2010. It is anyones guess at this point in time when a news release will hit the wires. I don't know about you, but I could handle it if we had a NR this week. Speculation running wild....
Best wishes,
NEWS FLASH - NOV 18, 2009!!!
Cymat Technologies has just received the final test in a series of ASTMtests performed on its architectural material, sold under the tradename Alusion, at the well known test facility Exova (formallyBodycote). The tests were performed to determine the material’ssuitability for exterior applications and the results were extremelyfavorable. The test results are now summarized in Cymat’s technicalmanual and can be obtained in full, upon request.