Bushman Your research is weakBushman,
I don't get you. You claim to have made a lot of research and yet you are making these comments, I must question your credibility.
Here are a few fact that you forgot to mention about IMDH. They are the owner of the marine mining vessel the MV Toivo ya Toivo. That vessel as been operating over the last ten years in Namibia and guess who designed the mining system, the MD of IMDH.
Until last year, the MV Toivo ya Toivo was operating under a charterer agreement with DeBeers and it was the most productive vessel on the DeBeers fleet in Namibia. The vessel mining system was so good that Debeers decided to copy the system and make it larger when the build the Peace of Africa to mine the SASA deposit.
Guess what, DeBeers being the typical south african entity that they are decided that the could built the vessel themselves and did not ask the people of IMDH for any advices. DeBeers in their infinite wisdom decided not to include a pre-treatment plant found on the ya Toivo, because they did not see the utility for that ... Guess what, they have now realized that without that pre-treatment plant the vessel was throwing back in the sea a lot of the diamonds instead of mining them.. OOPS... (Can you guess the cost of having to build that after the fact !!!)
So the fact is that IMDH maybe a new Corporation from a legal stand, the experience of it key people is second to none, and a certain way, there knowledge of the mining process is as good as Afri-Can technical team geological knowledge.
It important to understand that you must not throw out the baby with the bath water.
The fact is that vessel is now in Namibia, going though it final testing before being deployed into service. As AFA as stated, until IMDH confirms that the vessel will be able to operate at the stated specification, we wait. In the mean time AFA does not have to pay any of the cost of the vessel, and since the latest estimate I have heard place the cost over $ 60 million dollars (not Rand), I am not complaining too loud. My feeling is that the wait will not be very long anymore and if I look at thing cold, the delays have been good for AFA, just like the delays in the delivery of the New Boeing 787 are good for many airlines since they do not have to purchase the new planes now, the fact is that if AFA would have declared a resource last year the market would not have been as responsive as it will be now.
Bushman, for sometime I have been wondering what do you have to gain by making so many bashing statements, and to that i still do not have any answers.