RE: RE: Drill resultsFwiw, my take is that these results were from just one hole (U15-02) and that the results from the other 4 holes are still pending.
An earlier news release (11 Nov) talked about a 5-hole program with 1,845m of drilling, so the drilling program (at 1,807 m) now appears mostly completed. It also stated at that time that a "2nd hole" had intercepted 1.6m of sig mineralization.... which mimics our new hole U15-02. It's likely hole-02 appeared most interesting and so they analysed it first and got the results out quickly to excite(?) the shareholders.... that's my take anyway. Once again Ursa keeps us guessing, lol. Cheers.
from the 11 Nov nr:
"URSA Major's exploration program includes drilling 1,845 meters in five holes targeting massive and disseminated sulphides in proximity to the existing workings of the past producing Nickel Offset No.1 Mine. Currently two holes have been completed for a total of 846 meters and a third hole is in progress. The second hole intersected 1.6 meters of significant semi-massive to massive sulphide mineralization at a depth of 250.4 meters. The zone appears to be a new zone near the south (footwall) side of the Foy Offset Dyke. Assay results are pending"