SVM without a doubt will be a winner. U really should DD KTN featured here on stock house read the nrs and see their 3D video.
they are now drilling their silver gold lead zinc.....no copper which is good for metallurgy and are starting to drill a classic new porphyry in N. mexico. these guys are serious
our investment group picked up more shs yesterday as we like many believe the au thstate of the US economy as to a positive employment report, i mean we will get there but there will be several of these blips of positive news , out of the US whereby people buy the dollar and not gold, or sell some gold to buy dollars. no big worry for us though.
so please DD KTN , closed at 1.08 i think. if you DD Them and u dont think they are an excellent investment i would be very surpised. their target at the discovery flagship property is 100 to 200 M ounces Ag equiv.
We like also AUN, and for the real hearty EC, as they have the same geology and lithology on rio zarra as AURELIAN has with their 13 plus million oz deposit Au in S, America. EC because if they do hit KINROSS will pay a premium for the company. their ground sits right next to the deposit.