Another Director Shown the doorGood job Richard, new GM/Consultant. Congratulations. Long time expected e-mail. It is better to be late than never. JMD was thinking if he moves whole power center to the East and hire his grade ten or less educated, unqualified cronies to managerial positions and kill the internal expertise from West than no one will be able to touch him. A bossy and Arrogant old man who knew nothing about the latest technologies and value of qualified experienced people has finally met his fate. This man was never humble, had never treated his experienced employees from the west as part of Glentel team working for the same cause and added fuel to fire by creating hatred between East and West. I like the way Richard addressed his staff " Good morning Team". This Team aspect was badly missing. A step in the right direction in cleaning the house and hiring experienced qualified staff. Week ago the last left Broadband expert left the team just like other technical people. It is good that East and West are made stand alone entities responsible and accountable for profit and losses. One thing to remember is during the last 2 years JMD created a void in the west and it will take time to hire expertise in field. So long as Charles who has picked up JMD's bad habit of bossing around does not interfere with the west, things will pick up nicely otherwise he should go back to his old profession of sales. Recruting Rigional Technical Solutions Manager for East will pose a real problem as people with expertise have all joined the competition and are scarce. Finally somebody from Glentel understood why Business Center losses were piling up and took action. Kudos to Richard and Skidmore's.
Good morning Team,
Please be advised that Jean Marie Dallaire is no longer with Glentel.
We will communicate who will be managing Jean Marie’s responsibilities in a subsequent communication. Wewould like to thank him for his commitment and efforts during his timewith company. We wish him well in his future endeavours.
Best wishes,
Richard Hoy
General Manager
Glentel Business Division
Cell 604 657 5900
It is my pleasure to announce the following organizational changes;
·HarveyEvans has been appointed to lead the National Satellite Team forGlentel; he will have responsibility for MSat, VSat and evolvingGlentel’s satellite solutions into the best offering in the market.
·CharlesLawrence has been appointed to create and lead a National Large BidTeam. As we focus on developing our capability to win complexCommunications Solutions it is vital that we become world class atexpressing our capabilities, and orchestrating the team to execute onthe promises we make. Charles has already demonstrated his strength inthis regard through the role he has played in some our most importantwins in the recent past.
We arepleased to announce Canada will be divided into two regions, East andWest. These regions will comprise of three customer facing functions:Sales, Pre and Post Sales Project Solutions and Field Service.
All other functions will remain national in their focus.
Eachregion will have profit and loss accountability. They will be focusedon managing the complete customer life cycle and resource allocationresponsibilities.
The leadership in the East:
·Rob LePage has been appointed Regional Service Manager - East.
·Bruce Gagnon has been appointed Regional Technical Solutions Manager - East.
·BillKennedy has joined the company and been appointed to the role ofRegional Sales Manager - East. Bill previously worked for TELUS,Motorola and Digital and has had a distinguished career in wireless andmobile communications.
The leadership in the West:
·Ken Webber has been appointed Regional Service Manager - West.
·As previously communicated, Brad Calbick has been appointed to the role of Regional Sales Manager - West.
·The role of Technical Solutions Manager - West remains vacant. We will be actively recruiting for this role.
I wouldlike to welcome Bill to the company and congratulate everyone on theirnew roles. We wish them overwhelming success for the future.
I amaware that any changes which could affect your role or your line ofreporting can be unsettling. Every effort is being made to ensure thatour new structure is communicated as quickly and openly as possible.The majority of the business division’s organizational chart will beclear and communicated within the very near future.
Thank you for your patience and you continued input to the critical work paths being conducted across the business division.
Best wishes,
Richard Hoy
General Manager
Glentel Business Division
Cell 604 657 5900