GREY:RGVNF - Post by User
Post by
FRANS123on Dec 06, 2009 9:15pm
Post# 16559403
Sorry Curtis, Got to go with Zing
Sorry Curtis, Got to go with Zing
I inboxed Zingzong and he supplied me with some good information. Zingzong and Huttani make some sense.
Curtisprod, I went over your entire manifesto. Before I told you to put a sock in it. This one is so long you may need the other sock.
I figure that I am kind of in the middle of this debate. Some of you don't care what the other side says. Even if they make some good points you cry foul. That goes both for those that agree with Curtisprod and those that agree with Zingzong and Huttani.
I have to go with Zingzong even though curtisprod does make some excellent debating points. I'll admit that he is articulate and makes some clever observations. I kind of liked the bio for the CEO but not overly impressed.
Zingzong and this Huttani guy make a great point in that the current CEO is in the drivers seat but judging from the share price and what is happening with the gold and mystery product, the CEO is just spinning the wheels and going nowhere.
But even though Curtisprod's case is more logical, Zingzong and Huttani are more emotionally correct. It feels like a change is needed.
So unless there is some earthshaking thing that happens I am calling in my vote as Zingzong and Huttani suggested I do. I also like Lucky like curtisprod does and therefore I shall wait until Tuesday like lucky said.
Hey no mater who wins as long as the share price goes up zingzong and curtisprod should both be happy.
Give it a rest boys. Let's wait and see.