Conference callI just finished listening to the archive of the call. Nothing really earth shattering but maybe we'll see some rise in share price going into 4Q results as there is some optimisim that rev's will be higher than the norm. This as well as the possibility of winning some of the bids that they say are out there and we may get a nice surprise.
So, I'm some what optimistic but not overly. Things could be good but we have been in the same pattern for SO long now. If we don't see something in the 4Q results then it may be time to pull the chute on this thing. Money is starting to flow, especially in this niche, and if we don't see positives then maybe they're not coming for IDC.
Any opinions?
PS, Shackle, I don't think we'll be seeing your buck for Xmas unless it's through the sights of a rifle.