RE: Anyone at CANSIA?
El Joro
As you probably know from my post on the Sustainable site, I was at the Sustainable Corporate workshop today and during the break, my ears perked up at the mention of Day4 by one of the participants and a host. I am invested in both as I take it you are. It was a toss up between retaining Arise or Day4 and selling one to buy more STG. Day4 won. Time will tell.
A couple of others joined in the discussion and were talking about how impressed they were of the Day4's presentation at their booth. One of the apparent benefits of the Day4's new panels has to do with the non retention of snow, rain etc. and their efficiency. These were people already in the solar business.
Just thought I'd pass it on. Metinks a very bright future.
Obviously, insiders were impressed as well. :)