RE: RE: The Directons to EZ Mine - Exactly for YouOne thing to keep in mind is that they have it posted near the mine that it is Work Safe B.C regulations that no unauthorized persons shall enter into the work site. It is usually a good idea to get in touch with IR and see if there is some one available to give you a tour . I have done this with some of my other holdings, it is better than driving way up there and being told to leave.If you go just to the gates you will not be able to see the portal as it is 100meters up the hill from the gate.----When i went the guys were nice enough but reminded me of the Work safe regulations so i just had a quick look to see if this tunnel was for REAL.then left. -----Yes it is real , and they seem to be doing it properly.But i am not an expert on mines but have been into a few of them over the last 40 years.