Phase one triialWhat will be the results?
Phase one will evaluate the 1- Safety 2- Tolerability 3- Immune reaction
of the Pseudo vaccine ( empty shell - no actual virus in the vaccine) mocking virus H5N1 .Consequently since there is no infectuous agent in the vaccine it's SAFETY is assured.
On the site of FCO info - Perspective en matière de vaccination - It says that there are many advantages to a pseudo vaccine the first being it's Safety ( innocuité)
What about the Tolerability and the Immune reaction;
A book was published by Springer,Paris - Immunogénicité et tolérance -
A pseudo vaccine was tried on women - protection for the cancer of the uterus -
- The pseudo vaccin was
well tolerated - antibodies persist up to 5 years -
99% of the women developped antibodies.
Phase one is a sinch. Next phases will be important they will involve an actual virus.
You guys are lucky to have those shares at the actual price. My average is .75. Not to bad considering.
Oups, coffee break.