On Sunday morning, the team rallied for a quick
Mexican breakfast at Margarita’s (we ended up
Eating all of our meals there) and then loaded up
The two trucks for our first stop in Uruachic Camp –
The north side of the valley – Las Bolas, which is
Comprised of the: El Manto, Frijolar (I and II), Los
Hilos, Gambusino, Arbolito and roughly a half dozen
Additional old mine workings in the area.
The Las Bolas property contains mixed volcanic and
Sedimentary rocks of the Lower volcanic Sequence
And hosts the highest concentration of old mine
Workings in the Uruachic camp. There are numerous
Adits (tunnels), some up to 1,000 metres in length, as well as at least 14 old vertical shafts which occur on
The mesa, extending to unknown depths. Some of the adits may have been access routes to extract high
Grade ore from the deeper levels of the shafts.
The surface levels and adits of the mesa area are located in the oxide zone and many of the old tunnels
Contain excellent sections of oxide silver mineralization that average about 325 grams of silver per tonne.
This mineralization however, was not the target of the old miners as many of the working simply pass
Through these zones with no attempt to exploit them. Golden Goliath has identified and mapped a large set
Of mineral zones containing this excellent grade oxide material but are continuing to hunt for the much
Higher sulphide mineralization that is believed to lie at depth, as evidenced by samples that contain as much
As 71,000 grams (over 2,000 ounces) of silver per tonne which have been found in the dumps beside some
Of the old shafts. If found, this will be some very valuable rock worth approx. $60,000 per cubic meter!
(assuming $12 per ounce silver and roughly 2.5 tonnes per cubic meter).