advanced planningAs I have stated before, I usually use this forum to clarify my own future moves. Seems writing something down firms up ones options. Hypothesis: positive news release either mcc or eco niche . As we know from past , this stock rockets then pauses then drops back. However we are on a stable financial foundation now with unfathonable potential. We all have been more than patient waiting for this. Do we take some profit and then attempt to buy back on the pause? If so in order to play you should already have your sell order in or you could miss the boat. But where do you value the pop. $1.25 , $1.50 $2.25. We know there must be a large number of shareholders who just want out. .Where will they jump? Once one seller hits others afraid of the missed opportunity will follow killing the pop and pushing us down. When will the bigger hands finally take hold of the opportunity and move us up again where we will hold til next news. The rush will be a traders dream in my opinion. The fluctuations will present gold for the brave and foolish. I want to have some cash on hand to play my games but have a rule that I must sell before I buy again... so where do I strike my first sell price....I believe an Urocidin release is imminent and that it will have a much greater affect on share price than econiche, therefor I'm in the $1.50 and higher camp now..May be a chain of progressive sells each higher volume wise..and maybe start a little lower to ensure some mad money..Please know that I am not what most would call an investor..I'm a gambler with this stock and have held this hand for many years waiting that golden draw. While I may bluff from time to time I will not fold my position and will hold my core cards as I still believe I'm holding the winner. I am just am anxious to play I guess. Good luck and Merry Xmas to all. Dusty.