RE: Idiots aboundSS,I agree with some of your deductions as to the present stioation but have to disagree on some other ones.
The main issue here to my way of thinking is for the Russian to get the Pie and split it with Mongolian Goverment and get going and make a lot of Money.
The problem for both of them is that they are doing some thing illigal and they know it.If they thought they would get away with it scott free they would have done so allready,why offer us 65 cents? They would not waste their Money on us. So there must be some problems in the way.
One of them is their international reputation concerning investments climate in Mongolia and Russian joint investments with Canadian Companies at present or future world wide.
Second would be repucussians in front of international courts for both Russia and Mongolia.
Third would be the Question of international Aid for Mongolia that they receive every Year from Canada and other Countrys.
I dont think the can just act with out sticking to some semlance of law .Even though I agree that both of them would like to do it that way . My take is that they have plenty of Money and will try to get Khan smothly out of the way,without creating a international incedent that would ruin their already shaky mining investment reputation world wide.I dont think the Russians are that stupid.
They will come up with a sweetened offer and in the end still get it for a song.My idea of their next offer will be around a Dollar and I know I will accept as I can also see that they might decide to screw us
But they would most likely try to do this without going to court and roughfing feathers ,after all they must have lots of Money.
The Canadian Goverment would also get involved,they might have been already.Dont under estimate the efect of international Goverment involvement.The Russians most likely looking at many bussiness dealings in Canda at present and future.And this blatant theft would have an effect on Russian -Canadian bussiness since it would be comitted by a Russian Goverment company.
So SS that is my take.You seem to be bitter concerning Kahn and Quicks handling;and I can feel for you.But you are going over board on the negative side.If they want it so badly and I am sure they do as it is a sweet deal for Mongolia and Russia they will come up with more Money.
It is not just over the licence as we all know that that was done to strengten their hand on the bargain table,but what about all the Money that Khan spent so far?Even Mongolia will get away with that.
So SS,please use your reason and dont be so agressive negative.It doesnt become you.