SF and SMI annouced a hit ondrilling for coal in their Saskmano first dirillng of significant coal.Theyhave suspending drilling unil January
We should remember '
News Release
North American Gem Inc. Enters into an Option Agreement for Coal Exploration North of Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan
February 17, 2009:North American Gem Inc. (TSX-V symbol: NAG) (the "Company") would liketo announce that it has granted an option to Silver Fields ResourcesInc. (TSX-V symbol: SF) (37.5% interest) and WestCan Uranium Corp.(TSX-V symbol: WCU) (37.5% interest) to acquire a seventy five percent(75%) interest in Township 55-07-02. Township 55-07-02 consists of 12Coal Prospecting Permits (CPP) totaling 23,040 acres to the northeastof Tobin Lake in Saskatchewan, Canada. This Township is located justeast of the recently announced Weststar Resources Corp. (TSX-V symbol:WER) exploration program and is near the most recent coal discovery byGoldsource Mines Inc. (TSX-V symbol: GXS), although the Companycautions that the exploration of the Coal Prospecting Permits inTownship 55-07-02 may not derive the same results as obtained onneighboring properties. The grant of this option represents theCompany's first option agreement in this area where the Company hasCoal Prospecting Permits totaling approximately 1.4 million acres.
Silver Fields Resources Inc. (Silver Fields) will be theOperator for the project and has submitted a detailed drill permitapplication to the government of Saskatchewan's permitting office.Silver Fields has made plans to begin exploration upon permit approval.
As well
News Release
North American Gem Inc. Receives Drill Approval on 5 Locations South of the Goldsource Discovery
August 11, 2009:North American Gem Inc. (TSX-V symbol: NAG) (the "Company") is pleasedto announce that it has received notice from its land manager that thefirst 5 drill locations to the south of the Goldsource Mines "BorderProperty" have now been approved by Saskatchewan Environment andprivate landowners. The final approval through the Saskatchewan Energyand Mines is to be received within a week of submitting an exactdrilling date.
Fugro Airborne Surveys of Ottawa, Ontario has completed theairborne geophysical survey on three selected "Survey Blocks" aroundthe Tobin Lake area for a total of 1,453 line kilometres with traverseline spacing of 600 meters. This survey covered a total of 66,347hectares and is currently being analyzed for potential targets tosubmit for additional drill permitting. The Company has been granted atotal of 757 Coal Prospecting Permits covering an area of 1,436,500acres (581,376 hectares) that have been approved by the SaskatchewanMinistry of Energy and Resources.
The Company prioritized this particular region surroundingTobin Lake based on historic coal occurrences within oil explorationwells. The interpreted shallow depth to coal of less than 100 metresfrom the surface was a key point in this decision. As with the majorityof the Company's land holdings, this region is within the prolific"Durango Trend" as defined by Goldsource Mines Inc.; which comprisesseveral coal occurrences between Wapawekka Lake and Goldsource's"Border Property" northeast of Hudson Bay. The surveyed region willalso provide year round drilling access to potential targets, and astraight forward approval process through private land holders and theSaskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources and Ministry ofEnvironment. The technical information in this news release has beenprepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements setout in National Instrument 43-101 and reviewed on behalf of the companyby Jody Dahrouge, P.Geol., of Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd., aqualified person.