RE: DUDEIt's the wrong fund.
Los Verdes is a high grade moly and copper asset Fragman. The grades and tonnes are economic in these metal markets. Moly used to be $2 and copper $.65 cents. Los Verdes ground position is 40,000 hectares.
Many people lost money on this deal and a whole lot of money was spent with little outcome. That was the shortcoming here ... not the assets. The management spent $11M dollars and had nothing to show for it ... the share price was crucified and the Street lost confidence.
105 million pounds copper > 0.5% in Los Verdes at strip ratio less than 2:1 ... that is economic. Not raising money is 100% to do with how the company was represented and who etc. The only thing against Los Verdes is the relatively small size, but small can be profitable and there is tonnes of potential. If a new study is done the economics for the deposit will be clear and quite compelling.
My estimate is that a full study can be done & the company run for less than $1M USD. This could result in NPV > $100M USD + .. and there may be 140M shares outstanding all said and done. This would be for Los Verdes only. I don't think the copper market will be correcting soon (the opposite in my view).
I do agree with the importance of cashflow Fragman and if funding is not possible, a quick sale to prospective interested parties should be considered. I am not surprised that the TSX cleared the listing. These are good assets my friend ... wrong approach and a history of misdirection has plagued VGM. I feel that things will be changing soon. We'll see what this group can come up with but it's not over yet.