My ThoughtsFirst it good to see more people post there thoughts on this board. I have been in this stock for a long time, and I can sense the excitement and anticipation for the upcoming results. The number of reads per post has steadily increased over the years.
Adding to the discussion to the previous posts. I dont think the placebo effect will last 90 days, it might last 30 days but BPH symptoms are quite dramatic and should commence after a little while. From previous results I am fairly confident that we will see a improvement from placebo vs treatment.
I do believe we will have another stock issue at what price and how much remains to be seen. I would like to see it at $1.50. But I am thinking more in the 1.25 range. There was a lot of stock issued to cannacord at .26 cents and I am thinking that will hit the market. It would make more sense to get phase 3 results and then to get a partnership. The original reason I got into the stock was for the cancer treatment, i would think they would want to move that along before a partnership. i am sure the raise would have some money allocated to move these other ( brain and prostate cancers)
Time frames, apply for FDA approval to move BPH in to phase 3, probably done by June. Enrollment for phase 3, I would say six months December. prelim 90 day Phase 3 results mid 2011 Final results early 2012.
Stock valuation would be about $ 1.50. But for each mile stone ie FDA approval, end of enrollement etc would add valuation. The wild card would be if they progress the brain and prostate cancer studies, which would move the stock within the 2 years that we will be waiting for the BPH phase 3 results.
Also I hear that PRX might be attending a health conference on Monday thru Wednesday. Does anyone know if this is true, if so I would think the results should have been out before the conference, or are they waiting for after the conference on Wednesday.