I only watch them -maybe once time the day will come:New Energy Achieves Major'Transparency' Breakthrough in Development of See-Thru Windows Capableof Generating Electricity; Researchers replace ‘visibility-blocking’metal with transparent, environmentally-friendly compounds whichcollect electricity generated on the Company’s SolarWindow™, currentlyunder development - FY, BURTONSVILLE - Jan 4, 2010https://finance.yahoo.com/news/New-E.....4632084.html?x=0&.v=1https://jrse.aip.org/jrsebh/v1/i1/p013101_s1"BURTONSVILLE, Md.--(
BUSINESS WIRE)--New Energy Technologies, Inc.(OTCBB: NENE - News), currently developing MotionPower™ technologiesfor generating electricity from the kinetic energy of moving vehiclesand SolarWindow™ technologies capable of generating electricity onglass windows,
todayannounced that researchers have overcome a significant scientifichurdle in creating the first-of-its-kind see-thru solar glass byreplacing a visibility-blocking solid metal component withenvironmentally-friendly, non-metallic, transparent compounds.“Metal materials blockvisibility, and are arguably the most important hindrance to developinga commercially viable solar glass window product,” explained Mr.Meetesh V. Patel, President and CEO of New Energy Technologies, Inc.“We have successfully replaced the metal contact component in ourSolarWindow™ with non-metallic compounds, and in so doing, achievedsignificantly greater transparency, a key factor in advancing ourtechnology along the commercial product development path. Theimportance of this breakthrough cannot be overstated.”
To-date, one of the biggest obstacles faced by researchersdeveloping New Energy’s SolarWindow™ technology has been the presenceof metal, an opaque material which blocks all visibility and preventslight from passing through glass. Eliminating metal has provedespecially challenging since the metal component acts as the negative‘polar contact’ – an important function in collecting the electricitygenerated from solar cells on the surface of the glass.
Today’s breakthrough replaces this visibility-blocking metal withenvironmentally-friendly and more transparent compounds. Thesecompounds now function as the negative polar contact and collectelectricity from New Energy’s SolarWindow™.
The production of solar-generated electricity on glass is madepossible by the world’s tiniest working solar cells, which have beensuccessfully applied on to glass surfaces by researchers currentlydeveloping the Company’s transparent SolarWindow™ technology.
These ultra-small solar cells measure less than ¼ the size of agrain of rice, are fabricated using environmentally-friendly materials,and successfully produce electricity, as demonstrated in a publishedpeer-reviewed study in the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energyof the American Institute of Physics.(Click here to view study:
https://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2998825 )
Unique performanceproperties of New Energy’s ultra-small solar cells enable developmentof an ultra-thin film, only 1/1000th the thickness of a human hair, or1/10th of a micrometer. In contrast, conventional thin films areexponentially thicker, measuring several micrometers thick andinhibiting transparency. In photovoltaic applications such as see-thruwindows, where transparency is a primary concern, today’s thin filmsolar cells simply cannot be utilized to produce a transparent solarwindow for application in homes, offices, and commercial buildings.There are nearly 5 million commercial buildings in America,according to the Energy Information Administration, and more than 80million single detached homes. New Energy’s SolarWindow™ technology isunder developed for commercial application in such buildings.
About New Energy Technologies, Inc.New Energy Technologies, Inc., together with its wholly ownedsubsidiaries, is a developer of next generation alternative andrenewable energy technologies. Among the Company’s technologies underdevelopment are:
MotionPower™ roadwaysystems for generating electricity by capturing the kinetic energyproduced by moving vehicles. An estimated 250 million registeredvehicles drive more than 6 billion miles on America’s roadways, everyday; and
SolarWindow™ technologieswhich enable transparent glass windows to generate electricity bycoating their glass surfaces with the world’s smallest known solarcells. These solar coatings are less than 1/10th the thickness of‘thin’ films and make use of the world’s smallest functional solarcells, shown to successfully produce electricity in a recentlypublished peer-reviewed study in the Journal of Renewable andSustainable Energy of the American Institute of Physics.
Through established relationships with universities, researchinstitutions, and commercial partners, we strive to identifytechnologies and business opportunities on the leading edge ofrenewable energy innovation. Unique to our business model is the use ofestablished research infrastructure owned by the various institutionswe deal with, saving us significant capital which would otherwise berequired for such costs as land and building acquisition, equipment andcapital equipment purchases, and other start up expenses. As a result,we are able to benefit from leading edge research while employingsignificantly less capital than conventional organizations.
For additional information, please call Ms. Briana L. Erickson toll-free at 1-800-213-0689 or visit:
www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com.To receive future press releases via email, please visit:
www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com/alert.htmlTo view the full HTML text of this release, please visit:
www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com/NENE20100104.htmlFor media inquiries please contact Mr. Jerry Schranz at201-465-8020, or visit our Media Relations page for additional contactinformation:
www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com/media_relations.html "