Bonanza Resources completes staking of No. 1-19 weBonanza Resources completes staking of No. 1-19 well
2010-01-12 18:11 ET - News Release
Mr. Byron Coulthard reports
Bonanza Resources Corp. has been informed by the operator, Castelli Exploration Inc., that it has received a surface owner agreement for rights to the property and has completed the staking of the Nowlin No. 1-19 well, on the North Fork 3-D prospect in Beaver county, Oklahoma.
The staking of the Nowlin No. 1-19 has been completed and the location is based on the surveyor plat which has been submitted to the State of Oklahoma, as part of the well permit application. The surface owner agreement was executed on Dec. 29, 2009, and provides access to develop the entire property.
Castelli Exploration Inc. proposes to drill a well in the N2 SE/4 of Section 19 1N-24ECM, Beaver county, Oklahoma, to an approximate depth of 9,000 feet or to a depth sufficient enough to test the Morrow A & B sands, and Chester formations.
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