RE: RE: RE: RE: Success ratesGood40, your constant manipulations of the truth in anattempt to scam those reading this board are becoming tiresome and boring.
You, in your infinite wisdom, are now saying that vast was being disingenuouswhen they stated that Iraqhad a success rate of 73% between 1970 and 1989.
Your reasoning; "They used a 73% figure which is absolutelyridiculous. If it were true, they would certainly use it in their2009 presentation and beyond".
Thank you for that well researched conclusion. Your logic, as always is"special" and because you state it with such authority and arroganceit must be factual.
You actually asked me to do your research for you. You questioned the statement,you do the research before you reply.
You again, in your infinite wisdom, arrogantly dismiss a report by consultingfirm Sproules and Associates as sell side garbage worth absolutely nothing.
This prospective resource report reduces risk for the company and theinvestor.
Based on their research they gave the WZR block a P90 rating
According to the well respected oil and gas consultancy Sproule and Associates, as of March 31, 2009,WZR’s exploration block has P90 prospective resources of 1.6 billion barrels.P90, for those unfamiliar with the industry jargon, refers to reserves thathave a 90% certainty of actually being produced. WZR’s find, if “proved” wouldcount among the100 largest producing oil fields in the world.
Sproule is a full-service petroleum consultancy, able to undertakeintegrated projects encompassing geophysics, petrophysics, geology,geo-modeling, reservoir engineering, simulation and economics. These projectsare conducted using state-of-the-art software and run the gamut from seismicprogram management, exploration play assessments, gas supply studies, reservoiroptimization studies, field development planning, gas storage evaluation andcarbon dioxide sequestration through corporate evaluations and regulatoryfilings. Projects may range from single wells to fields containing thousands ofwells and from conventional oil and gas fields to oil sands, coal bed methane,shale gas and shale oil. In short, we have the skills to evaluate all aspectsof both conventional and unconventional gas and oil resources and reserves,anywhere in the world.
From the Sproule and Associates website
Good40, you have not answered my challenge (no doubt because it would requireactual research and of course the answer would not work for you). I did notask for global averages but Iraqonly.