Missing the Point??I normally invest only in ETFs for my foray into the stock market due to my lack of knowledge and limited ability to accept a large financial loss. When I became involved in the current study in April/09 I wasn't even aware that Protox was even on the stockmarket let alone on the TSX. My results over the first three months were a steady improvement but not startling. That improvement continued through the six month point and has continued to month nine.
It was a lady friend of mine who has been a Medical Transcriptionist for over 40 years and very interested when she learned about the experimental study on which I had embarked. She told me the percentage of males 40 +years who suffer from BPH. It was she who looked into Protox online and found out that it was a listed company. We watched the stock go from
.57 to
.74 and I started to buy in @
.69 and recently paid $1.00. I am currently in a loss position because of the selloff this past week but am not worried because I know how I felt at six months and at nine months on Jan 8th. The improvement has been steady and good. I don't know if there will be any further improvment but I can certainly live with an IPSS of 4 rather than the 20+ I submitted last April. For that reason alone I intend to hang onto the limited investment I have made until the last gun fires.