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Torq Resources Inc V.TORQ

Alternate Symbol(s):  TRBMF

Torq Resources Inc. is a Canada-based copper and gold exploration company with a portfolio of holdings in Chile. The Company's projects include Santa Cecilia and Margarita. The Santa Cecilia mineral exploration project is a 3,250-hectare property located approximately 100 kilometers (kms) east of the city of Copiapo, Chile, in the southern region of the world-class Maricunga belt and immediately north of the El Indio belt. The belt is characterized by gold epithermal and gold-copper porphyry deposits. The Margarita Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG) project is comprised of approximately 1,445 hectares and is located in Chile, 65 kms north of the city of Copiapo with access to infrastructure. The property is located within the prolific Coastal Cordillera belt that hosts the world-class Candelaria (Lundin Mining Corp.) and Mantoverde (Mantos Copper Holding) IOCG mines, and porphyry-skarn deposits such as Santo Domingo (Capstone Mining Corp.) and Inca de Oro (PanAust/Codelco).

TSXV:TORQ - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by jsnfernleyon Jan 15, 2010 11:21am
Post# 16683429

Insider Stock Holdings and %'s

Insider Stock Holdings and %'sOptions not included:

Wolf 13.7 m 8.5%
Anastasia 0.352 m 0.2%
Norbert 2.29 m 1.4%
Albright 27.7 m 17.2%
Freund 0.418 m 0.3%
Totals 44.46 m 27.6%

Bullboard Posts