agree with jeff on a market corectionI have to agree with jeff and say if your looking for a jr and you think you found a good one then hang on for the long run.I bought
330000@.03 and dont plan on selling for a while.Stocks go up and stocks go down i think if you like what you have and you think theyll do good and they went down when you were holding them then buy more.This is my opinion and what i seen in the fall of 08 and what i looked at when the crash came and im seening the same thing right now.The companies big or small are doing good from oil companies to banks(i only look at Canadian stocks)and they show profits and good signs of dividens to come BUT the shares dont go up and if they do its such a small amount not like in a strong market.Its the same thing that happen the last crash if you went back and looked at what happen its repeating itself.That seems to tell me that the big money is geting out now and starting to sit on the side lines.The money seems to be moving out now and it should be interesting to watch what happens around and after March.If you can try to take some of your funds off the table do it now,unless you cant risk to see it go and wait for it to come back but do your own DD