Player13 and Mudcreeker move onIt is obvious you are not share holders who failed to move on. You are like little spoiled children crying because you didn't get your way . So player13 and Mudcreeker your posts look way to obvious what you two are all about.
The more you post the more you loose respect. The Share price will be moving up the deal if you can get over Vendetta is very good.
As the Baron and Mynextmillion have the right to post there views and in my books are not pumpers. They are Share Holders and you are not .
Mudcreeker and Player13 you two are embarrassing to read on this board you keep rehashing the past. Maybe we should rehash your past i wonder what we would find.
Looking at Mudcreekers Stock house portfolio i am astonished at your garbage picks all dead companies reverse splits. The Baron has shown what you are and as for Player13 I'm surprised how you attack this company but i look to at your portfolio and half of your stocks are garbage. You have some good stocks but you have also about half that have nothing just pumps and in my books the two of you are not worthy to repsond too anymore.
two spoiled children not men but children
Ingored the two of you
Baron and Mynextmillion and the rest of the share holders its looking good
Best to all