SO, IT AINT SEXYBuy on the dips. People gotta eat. More peopleevery year means more food needed. I made a fair chunk of changethis year buying beaten down stocks, still I hear people saying: "Oh,it's getting high. Maybe I should take my profit?" I say: stop lookingat 1 year charts and look at the 5 year position. Granted, the troublesof 2008 aren't over, and Obama is reading the riot act to the banks,BUT, if a stock was trading at $40, dropped to $10, and has risen to$30, I say it still has a way to go. Especially if it has goodfundamentals and has expanded the business since the $40 marketvaluation! This wasn't a bubble burst. It was a liquidity and debtcrisis brought on by the banks. Look at the bigger picture and think.