Why the Kinross factor is so important!after reading Daniel's mail i realized what it is all about and what the Kinross factor really means.
In the last years since Aurelian was bought out by Kinross people forgot about Fruta Del Norte and it's 13,7 Mio Ounces of Gold.
The new Kinross Fruta Del Norte Ni 43-101 will be released at the of this week and the new resource estimate will be the main topic over the weekend and SURE people will watch out for companies having it's concession next to Kinross. Yes and this is Ecometals, 600m away from the boundary of the Kinross concession. So NOW comes the Kinross factor: Isn't it a bit strange that Ecometals didn't released any news on the drilling progress an Rio Zarza and we here nothing from the new IR ?
I bet that they are waiting for Kinross's new estimate to start aggressive are and news-flow company. Daniel stated once that they would release some news, if we hit visible gold (yes i know, a core without visible gold can have higher gold grades than a core with visible gold, but it would give us confidence).
BUT Daniel never stated when they will release such news ( you don't have to release this kind of news).
So strategically it would make the hole investment world crazy if Ecometals release a drilling update including reviewing the core they drilled to date AFTER Kinross released their estimate.
Just imagine this content: Ecometals intersects visible gold in low-ip target and moves the drill rig to the high ip target. Of course explaining how close we are next to Kinross.
We would see 1,50 Can$ by next friday.