Muping Mine Project UpdateI just finished a phone conversation with the " Investor relations" at MJS. I Spoke with a Mr. Dan Garrity. I just ask a few basic questions concerning the Muping Mine. Mr. Garrity informed me that " Mr.Hibbitts" is presently on site in China at the Muping Mine. Mr. Hibbitts is conducting an all inclusive " Survey" of the mine which is expected to take ( 1 - 3 Months ) to complete. Only upon completion of the Survey will MJS be able answer questions such as, ( Is new processing equipment needed, or does the mine need Re-permitting ). I asked Mr. Garrity if he could venture a guess as to a time table that MJS may be looking at to be at 6000TPD production at Muping. Mr. Garrity stated that this could take as much as 18 Months to achieve. He also pointed out that dealing with the Chinese can be a somewhat drawn out and long process to get things done. Mr. Garrity stated that he has every confidence in the present staff at MJS and that there have been great improvments made over the last short while. I urged Mr. Garrity to make regular Press Releases to keep investors as up to date as possible as to progress at Muping. He assured me that he would release any and all information that he legally could.
I don't personnaly see anything startling in what he had to say, I am a little disapointed of course in the fact that it may take up to 18 months to see some meanfull progress. It looks like investors are going to have to be LONG on MJS if they really want to get a good return.
Mr. Garrity also mentioned briefly one other thing, their other organization " Global......." have a company " BOB " I believe listed on the TSX.V. He stated that their were " European Investors" showing an interest in BOB. I hope I contributed some useful information to our BB and look forward to comments.