new reality for SRI - the harsh reality for Sparton in this new reality of increased volume and increased range is that we are going to experience these dramatic swings while larger numbers of passengers get on and off our boat of good fortune. - From what I've heard through my friends at the trading desks is that the funds are bullish and are snapping up anything the doubting retail investor is willing to nervously part with. they see more good than bad on the horizon and are fluffing their nest in anticipation of the first run of the new year. According to Snort1 - Lee is ready to launch a promo tour in the coming months and the offices at SRI are buzzing with good news in the pipeline - as an aside - anyone got any green on their board ?? Is " drywall " still out there ? Anything your watching these days - ? still bullish on AZK ? anyone follow the tech sector heard of innovation from a company trading under the symbol ICS ?? - Go Sparton - ready for battle !!!