cheersThanks for the replys – if I was a shareholder via the last PP – I would be well p#ssed off if EC called in the options early – its makes actually sod all difference to mgmt – because they get the net amount from the options being executed – its just that funds will drip in as opposed to all coming in at once. To be honest I think its pretty below the belt tactics. They are seriously limiting the upside for the chaps that subscribed to the last PP
If they need the cash get some news out that moves the stock then do a tiny PP at a much higher stock price with no warrants
In relation to the updated resource – I’m happy with the grade going from 7 to 12 which is absolutely superb and I now understand more thanks to your replys – however I was really expecting some step out drilling to define more bonanza inferred resources – and hopefully right on out border.
That’s what we want to see and that’s what will move this stock – otherwise we just have to be patient – gotta admit it chaps I’ve been combing the TSX for 12 years now and this is the best potential rocket ship I’ve stumbled across. I’ve been asking my contacts in London whether they are aware of this and they are all clueless – and have no idea of EC. I know you can’t kiss all the girls – but FDN was the deposit of the century surely they are all aware of this.