RE: RE: Explain THIS to me.KW, we all know why Ledding left the company so for you to supposedly have asked why Ledding left is redundant.
The only odd question in my mind is why he would be kept around on a consulting basis and that is the question I will put to Hodge when I contact him.
As far as trying to link CCE with Leddings troubles, I don't see the connect. How in the world is an employer supposed to know what their employees or subcontractors file on their tax returns or if they are filing their gst returns properly??!! Give me a break, there is no way for the company to know!!
Has it been shown that Ledding cooked the books at CCE? NO!
So again, the only question in my mind is why the are willing to keep him as a consultant and when I get Hodge's response, I will post it.
Can you post the response you got from the company or are we just supposed to take your word after all the crappy posts you've put up??