China about to steal kahn?The Chinese stole western prospector and now will grab Kahn for peanuts,smart move.
It all will depend on the present stockholders,Laramide being the largest.If we sell it to them for 96 cents than it is game over and the Chinese will rub their hands and lougfh about those stupid Canadians giving into their greed.China is slowly taking over Africa,starting to buy in South America and even penetrating Europe .This move makes big imprint into Mongolia.
I would say we are in good shape now as far as Mongolian Government relation is concerned.So there is no panic here Let us hang onto our shares and screw Khan agreeing with china.They need 66.6 % and if we hold out they are forced to pay more,way more.I am thinking around 2.00$ is still dirt cheap for what they are getting.
Of course we might see a bid from Russia soon topping China and maybe we end up higher anyway.Remember both of them need yellow cake real badly and are looking into the future here.They have money coming out of their ears and are too cheap to pay the decent price.
I don't know why Quick and his crew accept this Joke of an offer,something smells very foul,would love to hear SS side on this.What is going on under the table?I was in on the whole Auralian fiasco and I don't trust any of those Penny stock honchos as far as I can spit and I can't spit very far.What I am alluding to is that we are dealing with very corrupt partys and it could easy rub of on our beloved management or shall I say mismanagement.
10MG please spare me your brainless stupid comments as I can do without them,just keep slapping yourself on your back and if your right hand gets tired use your left one or you could visit sailer and get him to pat your back.You are a no class act hiding behind your Computer screen;I would love to see SS take a round out of you in real life.