2 000 000 on bid at 96 c plusOnly 29 000shares for sale at 1 Dollar.They want those shares realy bad. Chinese or Russians could be on the bid though middle man.
Hold on to your shares folks.There is real demand out there.Don't let them scare you out .
Don't let them get 66.6 percent.Let them have to pay more.Really it is worth 5 Dollar to them at least.They can't take over without our shares.
The Chinese and Russians are cheap and will play dirty.What have the done to our glorious management?
Did they give them a present?
Why are they so willing to sell at less than half the estimated value?
Hang on with iron fists,two World leaders are fighting over our tresure and they have money galore.
We are in a most perfect spot.
Let them pay,we waited long enough,stay united and we will win against those cheap bastards.