North American economyInvesting In Canada.
We in the northern part of the northern hemisphere are very fortunate. Canada has more area than the United States therefore it makes perfect sense that there is more possibility of underground resources. They may not all be easy to get at but never the less they are there. The Big bear south is a huge economic engine that needs to function and therefore in desperate times they may do desperate things. Toyota has had problems as of late no different than American automobiles, such as Ford Pinto for example and many more in the past. All it would take is some ingenuity form wealthy American manufactures and oil companies to research and stir up some bad images of foreign built Autos and decrease their credibility so the North American build autos become a better local choice. This would be good for the American economy at the expense of the foreign built autos. No doubt that there is a problem at the moment with these vehicles, but how big is the problem? Whatever it is you can bet that the American companies will exploit this issue to destroy the credibility of the off shore builders.
It is no different in the products that Canada gets from the ground. We have tremendous reserves that are untapped. Oil, precious metals, rare earth minerals, diamonds, molybdenum and many more products are plentiful. The most precious of all is the fresh water. We as investors would be wise to invest in the Canadian JRs and producers that search for these commodities and we will prosper along with all of Canada. If we invite in foreign money to invest in these companies this will help us all do well also. All countries would benefit from the products we can supply. The thing that we as Canadians should remember is that we may sell our commodities and goods, but not the farm(companies). Once the farm is gone we become squatters.
-this is free public domain and may be distributed, Author unknown