RE: RE: lets count the chicken..Actually, according to the article I had posted earlier, prevalence of Uveitis in India alone is estimated to be 8.5 million!;year=2010;volume=58;issue=1;spage=1;epage=2;aulast=Sangwan
Quote from the article:
"Intraocular inflammatory disease, or uveitis, is a serious problem for the ophthalmic practitioner. It affects patients in the working age group, and is a Th-1 mediated autoimmune disease.
The average annual incidence[1] of uveitis has been reported as approximately 14-17 per 100,000, with a peak in the 20-50 years age group, and then it declines. The total population prevalence of uveitis varies geographically; 38 per 100,000 in France, around 200 per 100,000 in the United States, and is estimated to be 730 per 100,000 in India.[2] For India this translates into 8.5 million people with uveitis for an estimated population of 1168 million in 2010. It can cause devastating visual loss and is the fifth commonest cause of visual loss in the developed world, accounting for about 10-15% of the cases of total blindness and up to 20% of legal blindness.
[1] In most cases, vision loss arises from cumulative damage to ocular tissues that results from recurrent or chronic inflammation rather than from an isolated attack of an acute inflammatory episode. Therefore, control of inflammation in noninfectious uveitis is critical to minimize the vision loss. "