Change Since 9Mos IPSS ReportMy 9 month IPSS report was in the vicinity of #4 (down from an original 22 +) and was taken on Jan 09/10 My next one, the 12 month IPSS scoring and final complete examination for PSA level and asscoiated blood work, Prostate volume determinalion, urine flow rate and ability to completely empty the bladder,etc, is due approximately Apr 09/10.
Unfortunately, my urine flow rate has started to follow the recent SP of PRX, while frequency is going in the opposite direction. Not a good sign for me as it will mean going back to Flomax and right now I am not looking forward to holding out to April for my final report if my relapse continues at the current rate. Hopefully, I will be the exception and not the rule for the participants. Just have to keep my fingers and legs crossed until the April examination is completed.