Another NR just outEncore Renaissance Resources Corp.: Encore Renaissance Reports Initial Samples on new Portal Vein
Last Update: 2/9/2010 6:36:08 AM
VANCOUVER BC;, Feb 09, 2010 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) --ENCORE RENAISSANCE RESOURCES CORP. (TSXV-EZ, FRANKFURT-OUH1, USA-ERRCF)Encore Renaissance Resources Corp. (the "Company") (TSXV symbol EZ)reports on the initial sampling results of a quartz vein and veinedstock work zone discovered on the Bonaparte Gold Project decline. Thisis one of numerous repetitious quartz veined systems expected to beencountered through the development of Encore's underground mine plans.The quartz sulphide zone is trending north by north-east with sets ofveins trending east-west and includes the randomly broad network ofquartz sulphide stock work zoned as a high-level porphyry deposit thathave been identified. The new vein 20 zone was encountered 12.07 metresdown from the portal entrance and is currently still extracting wellmineralized quartz sulphide ore at the decline heading face. To dateFeb 1st the vein zone is currently 34.50 metres in length to our nextblast round. Advancement through our development is still in highlymineralized quartz-sulphide dioritic intrusive. At the current declineheading this indicates that this continues on for some distance.
Michael Mulberry, President of the company stated, "The resultsfrom the mine continue to verify our initial opinions on the potentialfor the Bonaparte Mine to become a reality. We still have moremilestones to achieve on this prospect, however all indications areequal to or better than expected to date. Management is optimisticabout what 2010 will bring for Encore shareholders as the companydevelops our flagship property."
At this point our development plan for the decline is to turnto the south-east direction heading for numerous other highlymineralized multi-ounce gold veins known to the east, and then to thewest to the Crow vein. With the scale of intensity and the regularrandom nature of the veins and stock work veins so far exposed onsurface and underground, we anticipate further discoveries. This methodof development mining will build strong continuity on understanding thegeology and structural nature of the veins in a three dimensionalmodel.
Large multi-samples per interval sampling method will clearlyidentify bulk minable zones and mining will continue on high gradezones, continually stock piling for shipping to the Kinross RepublicMine in Washington State.
The 20 vein is comprised of an assemblage of semi-massiveirregular clusters of sulphide chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, andminor tetrahedrite. Two vein samples assayed 43.5 g/t over 1.02 metresand 69.2 g/t over 1.26 metres and all of this material is stock piledfor shipping. All other grade material will also be stock piled.Throughout the vein and stock works the same characteristics are shownas in the Crow vein ore and in all known veins.
The landmark development from this project has identified highgold values in veins metres below surface and a comprehensive largescale stockwork vein system that covers the entire undergrounddevelopment and the surfaced exposed dioritic body. The surface body300 X 300 metres traced from earlier development was unclear on theoverall margins boundary of this deposit but it definitely extends pastall previous exploration workings and is open in all directionsincluding depth. One vein close to 100 metres to the north of theportal was exposed during construction and was 1.0 metre in width andappears to be an extension of numerous veins near the portal entrancevein stock work zones that were exposed in the fall. This brings thestrike of several veins to nearly 270 meters traced and remains open.Further surface exploration will commence later.
Observations from sampling analysis have confirmed a free goldnugget affect within this deposit area. Sampling method on veins waschip panel 10 kilogram bag across the veins generally one per blastround and 3 random 10 kilogram bags from the top of pile and 3 random10 kilogram bags from the bottom collecting material totalling 6 bagsper round.
From both sampling the vein and the entire blast roundssystematically has conclusively encountered a course gold zone out sideof the veins in the intensely chloritic alteration within dioritichost.
Results of the quartz vein sampling from 12.07 metres of the decline advancing 22.43 meters of the decline are as follows:
Sample # Sampled Vein Width Au g/t Blast advance Panel chip
265543 Quartz vein 0.30 m 2.25 g/t 12.07 m at face depth
265557 Quartz vein 0.52 m 5.89 g/t 15.52 m at face depth
265558 Quartz vein 1.02 m 43.5 g/t 17.25 m at face depth
265571 Quartz vein 0.82 m 1.32 g/t 18.97 m at face depth
265578 Quartz vein 1.21 m 9.92 g/t 20.70 m at face depth
265585 Quartz vein 1.23 m 6.85 g/t 22.42 m at face depth
265592 Quartz vein 1.26 m 69.2 g/t 24.15 m at face depth
265599 Quartz vein 1.12 m 0.99 g/t 25.87 m at face depth
265606 Quartz vein 0.87 m 3.46 g/t 27.60 m at face depth
265613 Quartz vein 0.83 m 0.74 g/t 29.32 m at face depth
265620 Quartz vein 0.65 m 6.29 g/t 31.05 m at face depth
265627 Quartz vein 0.43 m 4.01 g/t 32.77 m at face depth
265631 Quartz vein 0.31 m 6.16 g/t 34.50 m at face depth
Results of blast round sampling
Sample# Au Average Au
15.52 to 17.25 metres 265559 0.99 g/t
265560 2.25 g/t
265561 0.85 g/t
265562 0.87 g/t
265563 0.81 g/t
265564 3.70 g/t 1.57 g/t
17.25 to 18.97 metres 265565 2.42 g/t
265566 3.32 g/t
265567 2.62 g/t
265568 20.6 g/t
265569 2.65 g/t
265570 13.3 g/t 7.48 g/t
18.97 to 20.7 metres 265572 6.27 g/t
265573 4.73 g/t
265574 11.6 g/t
265575 3.74 g/t
265576 1.83 g/t
265577 3.20 g/t 10.45 g/t
20.7 to 22.42 metres 265579 10.2 g/t
265580 8.96 g/t
265581 12.7 g/t
265582 5.78 g/t
265583 5.10 g/t
265584 5.35 g/t 8.01 g/t
22.42 to 24.15 metres 265586 20.2 g/t
265587 6.26 g/t
265588 11.8 g/t
265589 12.3 g/t
22.42 to 24.15 metres 265590 6.57 g/t
265591 5.80 g/t 10.48 g/t
24.15 to 25.87 metres 265593 15.8 g/t
265594 9.61 g/t
265595 10.5 g/t
265596 1.19 g/t
265597 1.45 g/t
265598 1.00 g/t 6.59 g/t
25.87 to 27.6 metres 265600 6.67 g/t
265601 12.1 g/t
265602 6.53 g/t
265603 1.48 g/t
265604 0.70 g/t
265605 1.08 g/t 4.76 g/t
Further assay results are pending.
Encore Renaissance is continuing developing the decline on theBonaparte Gold project shifting southeast continuing with proposedcoerce towards the chickadee vein, and eagle vein following miningclose to 80 metres potentially, then drifting under the Raven,Nutcracker, and Jewellery box developing grade and tonnage.
This release has been reviewed by Laurence Stephenson P.Eng. the designated Qualified Person.
"Michael Mulberry"
Michael Mulberry
President and Director
Encore is a well diversified junior with projects that includeits flagship property, The Bonaparte Gold Mine, located near Kamloops,British Columbia. Encore also has approximately 5,200 contiguous acresbordering Underworld Resources in the Yukon, approximately 160,000contiguous acres of land prospective for lithium in Alberta, and 6,660acres of land in the Stewart Mining Region of British Columbia.
Head Office Address Encore Renaissance Resources Corp.
PO Box 48474, Bentall Centre
Vancouver, BC
Canada V5C 2M7
The TSX Venture Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits ofthe proposed transaction and has neither approved nor disapproved thecontent of this press release.
CONTACT: Encore Renaissance Resources CorpTel: +1 604 910 1004e-mail:
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