RE: RE: Selling???Hi there, "madmoney3,"
I dug this up from my archive, but haven't updated it since posted in December 2009. Clearly, with today's news (and the news of a few weeks ago, if memory serves), there are even more warrants/options to come.
On 25/9/09, NAG shares closed @.075¢ following news that warrantsvalued @.15¢ were extended until 3/10/12.
On 17/12/09, NAG shares closed @.125¢ following news that warrants valued @.15¢ were extended until 27/12/12.
On 9/10/09, NAG shares closed @.09¢ following news that stock options valued @.10¢ were made available for 5 years.
On18/12/09, NAG shares closed @.12¢. As per NAG's typical method, newsarrived after hours that stock options valued @.12¢ were made availablefor 5 years.
Take care of that ulcer!