CAN QEC HIT THE PERFECT STORMonce again,for the ng is entering a legs up,from here onto,late april early may,it happens every year,for the past 20 years,all ng and oil stocks run north,you got to love how mngt has taken little qec from,exploration play to a major junior player,and before you know it,and blink a few times,a senior,if the horizontlis show up on the positive side,and ng goes north of 6 and onto 7.00,i think that qec will bust through 10.00 dollars come april,the exposure is amazing,to say the least,funds are jumping in,its a beautifull thing,what a well run machine,CUDOS TO MNGT,I TIP MY HAT OFF TO YOU.this is the perfect place to lose your money,and not get pissed,for atleast they are making a honest effort,on getting things off the ground,and doing the right things.well done,others in the utica should take notice,they may have missed the boat though.jmho.