Here we go again...Le gagneur, I really do not know what to say.....
How can you go from incredible high to ridiculous low in such a short time, and for no reason... and furthermore you post the same information on all the sites using different names ( on Agorac*m and on B*rsnak in Sweden....)
You have asked a lot of questions to management , they have been very patient and replied to your questions. You then posted some of their replies and made a lot of comments, some praising the company other complaining... but have you learn anything from the exercise ? and what do you really know about this business ?
My guess is not a lot...
Because if you understood the business and its constraint like I have come to understand them over the years, you would have realized that there is a reason why AFA management is the only left standing....
The biggest reason is the simplest and the most difficult to implement... AFA has always taken the right decision for the sake of the long term goals of the business and, this regardless of what the short term participant were or are saying...
And this is still the case, and when the boat does start sampling, all you doubters will come back into the market and everyone will be happy.... in the mean time, you should listen to Mr Malouf (I believe that his is name), the guy that ran Obama presidential campaigned, when he said: "...this is not the time for bet wetter..."
AFA is very attractive story, and once the vessel does leave the harbor, it will be too late to get shares at these levels, because:
The fact are pretty clears and the information has always been public...
Fact One: their are must probably a lot of diamonds on block J, and mining should be very profitable (as per the AFA presentation available on their web site (;
Fact two: there are tremendously high barriers to entry in the industry and these barriers to entry are related to the risk and cost associated with building the required exploration equipment (IE sampling vessel) before any resources can be delineated,
Fact three: the risk and cost (US $ 50 Million for the Explorer) are just too high for any junior to pay alone;
Fact four: once the contractor opted to build a brand new vessels, delays were part of the game, and this until the vessel became operational;
Fact Five: delays can be good, how else could AFA have been able to modified an original contract that was too advantageous for IMDH to a more advantageous one to both parties;
Fact Six: delays have created a situation were the stock as become undervalued, therefore the risk reward profile of AFA is probably one of the best on the TSX-Venture;
Fact Seven, the undervalue status of AFA should change soon, since it is public knowledge that there are many warrants thatare in the process of being exercised therefore placing undue pressures on the share price, but this will only last until February 25, 2010 (last trade day February 19, 2010).. and once the exerciseperiod is over, AFA will have more then $ 1,800,000 in itsbank account, no debt and no more overhang....
Fact Eight, IMDH must have been pretty confident that the vessel would be ready by now, and that there are a lot diamonds on block, why else would they have agreed to exchange $ 900,000 worth of work done through the issuance of 12,5 million warrants that will be worthless if IMDH does not make a check of CAD $ 2,500,000 to AFA by the middle of June 2010...
When you put all these fact together, you realized how well position AFA, and while many of you may prefer to wait until the boat does actually leave..., remember that the next pr that will talk about the vessel will simply confirmed that the vessel has left the harbor...