DRI: NO VISIBLE GOLD but 18m of 35.9 g/t goldso this should give you something to think about. Ec Hole-5 no VG....but...? I think bets on hitting in hole-5 are getting refreshed right now.
We will see.
Last post today...
And even if i don't really think this will affect sp...we have them here as readers imo...but everybody should give it a try...cost nothing.Repost
At 3 Pm eastern everyone here with an online trading accountpleaseenter an order for 10,000 shares at 1 penny above the last tradebut doNOT pull the trigger on the trade and watch what happens to the ask.
Ifanyoneis getting tired of being scammed by computers that can see youenterthe trade before you hit the submit button and then raise the askthenthis is one way to defeat them. People on Silicon Investor are fedupwith this criminal activity on the part of the online banksandbrokerages.
Do this every day at the same time and get as many people here as possible to do this as well
If anyone here doesn't think this is happening then you are DELUSIONAL. Professional traders know this happens all the time