RE: A Few ThingsFirst, who the heck are you!??'s not "pumping" if it's true. Pumping implies someone putting air in a tire he knows has a nail in it and selling it to you knowing it's going flat again. What Swiss has done is calling "doing DD and sharing it." There are always those new (and even old) to this stock who appreciate that...oh, except those who already know everything there is to know about everthing, but instead of offering useful DD, come and criticize, like you.
Second, who the heck are you!?? Drop your membership there then. You have the balls to talk about their "elitism" and then you make such a pompous ELITIST statement that as regards to "the smartest investors" you "know some of them"...!!!!! "elitist" can you get???...go look in the mirror you self-important a$*****...sheesh.
Third, and most importantly, why couldn't you just have offered that as a perspective or thought or question first without the bullshizzle that came before it? Then we wouldn't be looking at you as just a pompous little twit. But the fact is that if this is the same structure and developmental process as FDN, and the grades will therefore likely be in the same ballpark as hers...but the fact is they will be what they will be, and what you "personally believe" won't matter. The better the grade, the better the run, b/c that's what the market is looking for.
Fourth, why don't you go home and let your mom give you an attitude adjustment, and then come back later with a little less arrogance and without the criticisms of those you're in no position to criticize...or just don't come back at all.