InformationHave to differ with some of our posters. Don does'nt have to return your calls or supply information whenever an
investor phones. If he was to supply info which may cause you to buy or sell CYP shares then I would have
an issue with him. He would loose all credibility. He can only talk in generalities unless of course he shares the info with the rest of us.
You want it is "Drilling is going well and we're making progress. We're hoping for good results as
we're near or into the zone" Hope that gets you through the weekend.
I remember I visited the Corona drill site in the mid 70's. Was hoping to speak to the drillers which I did. It was a very short one sided conversation. Something like....get off the Thank you very much and wait for
the NR which will be shared by all.
Have a great weekend. If the anticipation is getting to you I suggest you sell and buy some solid income trust which
will pay you 10 % dividends for years to come. (even after the conversion)
Cheers and good luck to all longs.
Lets Go Canada....going for gold