RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Mongolia to World Courts.Ubbil,I think that you know more than anybody here abaut Mongolia and Russia but I think and hope that this time things will go the other way. Tthe Chinese have a lot of muscle here, they are their number one trading partner with 30 % of mongolien trading,so they are very important for the country.
lso Russia and China have been moving closer and closer in terms of trade so they can't stab each other in the back and remember this are both Goverment companies.
The Russians would get away with screwing Kahn but not so easy with Chinese Goverment arm CNNC. So this is a delicate case for both country's and all the big players world wide are watching for the out come. From my talk with management the Chinese are fully informed since the beginning when they entered this fight and are fully prepared to go to any lenght to win this price. We might not realize fully how important this deposit is to China or Russia.
Uranium is a finite supply sitiuatian.
With all their dreams of going nuclear and constructing reactors all over both countrys they need Uranium in the worst way,they are looking 20 to 50 Years ahead.Here in France on can see the advantage of going nuclear,it is cheap and clean and raises living standard.Without cheap power there is only poverty(look Africa,Cuba,Indonesia etc.)
So when Putin gets involved personally you know that little Kahn is the grand price.China is the new Roman empire and I am sure they will handle the Russian.I have lots of respect for Putin as a leader that steared Russia thrugh the wild waters but this time he bit off too much.We probably all understand here the reality of the under the table bribes that are going to decide this play.The Mongolian politicos are just gready pigs (of course not all of them)and will bend to the highest bidder,no doubt in my mind that this will be decided in the back room with suitcases full of cash,most likely Euros or Us Dollars;But here I think is where the Chinese will be in their own game coming from 60 Years of corruption and bribery.Make no mistake the Chinese will not let go of this juicy bone,they really need this resource to advance their dreams which includes 20% of energy production from nuclear.
And they are in the Power position today,not Russia.All this time while this is going on Europe is fighting internally with the Greens and US is sleeping,Africa has no Money and SouthAmerica is just starting to wake up,the midle east is flexing its muscle and plans to go nuclear as they know that Oil will run low ,
Most of them will miss out while China will become the World power .Mean while China is fully awake and know the importance of uranium in the future.Sorry for such a long post,