RE: curious: Where' are the Baabaas?See what I mean about the picking up the shells.
Let us talk facts, first of all there are patented claims within the MSQ pit bountry and it is less than 300 yards from the last soutwest hole they drilled, you know the one that had the great results. Fact 2 the DEQ did a mining survey and tested the area there are several old mines on the property, but the current owner is under no liability period. Fact 3 if MSQ drills on both sides of the property and they get excellant results you really think they will dig around it and leave the ore for the owner to mine. Remember they will be proving out the property for the current owner. He spends nothing on drilling and MSQ spends million to prove out his reserve. MSQ claims are shown over the patented claims so their claim map is super imposed of the patented claims, that works for PR you know. I am sure the Brian being 65 years old is not thinking of bringng this to producion, he is looking to get out with millions of the sheeps money.
Your right MSQ will spend the money drilling and keep showing those excellant results. They don't need to buy any land, because they will never require land for production. It will never happen, they will go broke right after they get the stock back over 2 dollars and cash in all of the options MaCay land the rest of his slug buddies have taken.