See Ya!How many times does Lucy have to pull the football away from you guys before you realize that trying to trade in and out of BNK is a recipe for regret?
Oh, I know all the peeps that "Sold some at near the high" then "got back in at the low". But really - anyone who has ever tried it, knows that once you get out, its hard to jump back in. In most cases, these folks disappear and will always think about the one that got away. For me it was Microsoft in the early 90's and RIM in the late 90's.
Congrats if you held your shares. My target of $10 for end of 2011 now looks pretty conservative - yet when i made it last March - it was scoffed at by most (except perhaps tinman8 and houndtrader).
Like Abby - I'm taking the recipe for success from Bankers and applying it to a couple of other junior O&G companies.